Beginning Fall 2014, the following changes will occur:
- To meet FEPAC requirements removed GENE 301(4 hours) and replaced with FIVS 308(4 hours) [See Junior Year, 1st Semester]
- To meet FEPAC requirements removed CHEM 315(3 hours) and replaced with CHEM 316(2 hours) and CHEM 318 (1 hour)[See Junior Year, 1st Semester]
- To meet FEPAC requirements added FIVS 422 (2 hours)as a required course [See Junior Year, 2nd Semester]
- To meet FEPAC requirements removed a General Elective(3 hours) and replaced with FIVS 401(3 hours)[See Senior Year, 1st Semester]
Beginning Fall 2013, the following curriculum changes will occur
*FIVS 316 will be taught fall only and should be taken in your senior year
*FIVS 481 will be taught spring only and should be taken in your junior year
*FIVS 435 will have a recommendation of completion of FIVS 316 prior to enrollment (Prerequisite will become mandatory effective 2014.)